- Album cover and cast details from the LP recording of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, recorded live on stage during one of the 1970 New Zealand performances.
- A clipping from Malta (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.

'Artistes forming the cast of the latest Combined Services Entertainment show to come to Malta, "Laughter and Lovelies", now on its second appearance. Those taking part are Stanley Baxter, Fay Lenore, Alistair McHarg, Moira Baxter, Paul and Joan Sharratt, and Tony Bones.
'Joan Sharratt is a delightful song and dance artist. At the ivories is Tony Bones, a talented and versatile revue and concert pianist. Although in the background, he is singled out by the spotlight.'
'Joan Sharratt is a delightful song and dance artist. At the ivories is Tony Bones, a talented and versatile revue and concert pianist. Although in the background, he is singled out by the spotlight.'
- A clipping from Kenya (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.

'One remote base was Gil Gil (Windy) inhabited by 98 men. Ninety-six soldiers saw their show--the other two had to remain on guard."
'"In all these bases," said Paul, "There was a great spirit. It gave us a good feling of doing something worthwhile."
'"After the show we would go to the messes for parties, which usually lasted all night and during which the show started all over again."
'One day their bathing costumes were stolen--by monkeys. The monkeys took the costumes from a verandah on their seafront bungalow, then buried them in the back garden.
'Paul and Joan are both from Walsall. Both are 24 and their puppet act has been going strong for three years.'
- A clipping from U.K. (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.
'Joan slipped her foot (size 3 1/2) into the diamante-studded slipper and found--like Prince Charming--that it fitted perfectly.'
- A clipping from U.K. (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.
'Just before leaving on a 10,000 miles tour of Malta, Tripoli, North Africa and Gibraltar to entertain the troops, well-known puppeteers, Joan and Paul Sharratt called in at the Tower Cinema, Carters Green, on Saturday morning to see their old friend, the manager, Mr. Arthur Taylor, and found time to show some of their characters to two of the children attending the matinee performance, James Houghton (12) of 10, Cygnet Road, and Gillian Sorrel (11), of 17, Albert Street.
'Joan and Paul, who left this country by air yesterday (Thursday) will be away for seven weeks. They have just finished a run in variety at Bilston's Theatre Royal and when they return they will go to Broadstairs for the summer season. After that, they are due to appear in the pantomime "Cinderella" at Croydon.
'In December, they returned to this country from Aden and Kenya after a 14,000 mile tour entertaining the troops with comedian, Arthur English.'
- A clipping from U.K. (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.
'Paul and Joan Sharatt left at the end of last week with their marionettes for a round of group shows in Gibraltar, Tripoli, and Cyprus. This is their second Services entertainment tour in recent months, for, only a week before they went into pantomime at the New Royal, Bournemouth, they had returned from a similar trip to East Africa, to Aden and Kenya. While spending a few days at Nairobi, the Sharratts attended a performance by the Nairobi Puppet Theatre Club of the classic melodrama 'Maria Marten' or 'Murder in the Red Barn'.'
- During performances at Bohemia Theatre, Broadstairs with Will Hammer Entertainments. The revue "See you Tonight", with Fred Hugh, Terence Delaney, Joan and Paul Sharratt, Victor Dale, Shirley Summers, Patricia Mortimer and Don Murray.
This is it!
'Having seen about a dozen Will Hammer summer shows, I can claim to be something of a connoisseur. I know the form they take, the type of sketches, specialties and dance routines they include.
'That is why I can say, safely, that the punchy production, "See You Tonight", at Broadstairs' Bohemia Theatre, is the best of its kind I have seen.
'I'll go further: I think those other promoters, who let unpretentious little Broadstairs steal all this talent must have slipped.'
- A clipping from U.K. (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.

'Joan, aged 23, is the fair partner to an original husband-and-wife act at the Bohemia Theatre, Broadstairs, this season.
'They own about 15 different sets of dolls and like to keep up with the top-liners like Eartha Kitt, the Beverley Sisters, Max Bygraves and Liberace.
'When the star of the moment happens to be a singer--too often for Paul Sharratt'a liking--they have to learn a slick mime to music, too.
'To give their obvious artistry full scope the Sharratts have to employ precision-made figures.'
- Program for 'Cinderella' at The Royal Theatre, Bournemouth.
- A clipping from U.K. (unknown newspaper) This is a clipping in one of Joan's photo albums.
- From an unknown Australian newspaper, written by Judy Richards: (The following article, also clipped in Joan's album, is an over view of her life from childhood through to her work with the Hills Youth Theatre, in the Adelaide hills)
The talented former actor, current Hills youth drama teacher and representative of the group Short Statured people of Australia, has entertained and brought happiness to people of all ages around the world for 60 years.
Born into a theatrical family in England, Ms. Leslie began her carer at the age of eight working in pantomime and theatre with world renowned entertainers including British-born Benny Hill, Tommy Steele, George Formby, Norman Wisdom and Harry Seacombe, American artist Tiny Tim and Australian entertainers Ugly Dave Gray, Bert Newton and Ernie Sigley.
(sic. Please Note: the following paragraph is incorrect--it did not occur during WW2 but was in the years 1956 to 1959)
For five years during World War 2 she entertained British troops stationed in North Africa, Malaya and the Middle East with well known baritone and pianist Alistair McHarg.
While a teenager in Britain (sic. also incorrect--it was during her 20s), Ms. Leslie was invited to tour Australia with a group of "little people" in the principal role of Snow White in the Disney/Rudas production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
The production was such a success it lasted for the next 10 years and Ms. Leslie describes this period as "life changing".
"It was during this time that I came to admire and befriend the dwarfs in the production and understand the difficulties they experienced in a world of tall people," she said.
"I was so involved with the group that I enthusiastically encouraged and supported tow of my "little" friends in the initial forming of the group Short Statured People of Australia.
"We invited other little people to go backstage and meet the dwarf actors, some never having had the opportunity to see others like them before."
After the production ended its season, Ms. Leslie was asked to perform in Asia with the dwarfs and while on tour she met and married a Chinese doctor, giving up her career to raise her step-son Simon and birth-son Christopher.
It was while living in Kuala Lumpur and seeing the way that dwarfs were treated, that Ms. Leslie formed the Asian branch of the association.
She also began an eight year career teaching drama to the local high school.
In the early '70s the family moved to SA (South Australia) where Ms. Leslie continued teaching drama and in 1986 became the first drama teacher of the newly-formed Hills Youth Theatre where she continues today.
Thousands of young Hills drama enthusiasts have been taught by her over the past 16 years and performed in many of Ms. Leslie's original shows, including Anne of Green Gables, The Snow Queen, The Pied Piper, Seven Little Australians and Pinnochio.
In 1997, she was honoured with an Australia Day Award by the former Stirling council for her work with aspiring actors.
"I've had a very fortunate life with ups and downs like everyone else," she said.
"Theatre and training young drama students has taught me that problems go away by doing the things you love.
"I've experienced the best of both worlds of entertainment and motherhood.
"Initially I decided not to have a child because of my theatrical career, but circumstances changed and I was able to have the joy of having two sons.
"My association with 'little people' brought me compassion and friendship and I only hope that I have done a little bit of good for these possibly misunderstood people.
"I still retain my friendships with these very special people and by speaking at different organisations about this fascinating subject., I hope to teach people how to be comfortable with others who are different.
"Isn't that what we all should be doing?"